
Friday, June 22, 2012

White Racism, the Greatest Force Against Obama

White Racism, the Greatest Force Against Obama
Arizona radio host Barbara Espinosa (Courtesy of the Raw Story)
In his blog at the Atlantic, Ta-Nahesi Coates takes on a right-wing radio host's comments about the president and says he won't stop taking about racism until it ceases to be a significant force in our politics.
One thing I've never seen is a bigot cite actual racism as a defense against their own racism. Enter the bizarre case of Barbara Espinosa, a right-wing radio host in Arizona who said the following of Barack Obama:
    "I don't believe in calling him the first black president," she said, "I voted for the white guy myself. I call him a monkey."
When confronted with the fact that what she said might be racist Espinosa insisted that "with a last name of Espinosa I'm anything but racist." ...
But over the course of the Obama presidency I have become convinced that no single force exerts a greater pull on his presidency than white racism. Not white resentment. Not white populism. White racism. I don't know how else to explain a health care denounced as reparations, the rather continuous disrespect, the sense that he is a Kenyan illegitimate or all of the attendant theories. I do not know how else to explain a state like West Virginia, arguably the most racist in the country, where delegates are now refusing to endorse the president.

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