
Tuesday, February 24, 2015


FSY (For the Strength of the Youth) has come and gone and it is over 5 months at my last count, but still I have this emotional, spiritual and even to a very large extent a lovely experience and story that I feel is sharable.  

I remembered the first day I heard of the word FSY I was skeptical, yes skeptical of the success because I thought it was a new program and the commitment from the volunteers might not be effective, but I was proven wrong after the program. My initial fears; 1.) was the first youth camping in Nigeria under the new youth program title F.S.Y going to be successful? 2.) are we prepared (those chosen as the counselors, building counselors and co-ordinators) to handle and take of this youth for the almost one(1) week camping period. But I took solace in the word of the Lord that says whom the Lord has chosen, he qualifies.

Then came the sudden change of heart, after attending about three meetings organized for us (counselors, building counselors and co-ordinators) which also serves as training I was then gradually beginning to believe the program/camping in totality, yes I did.

The last meeting/training sealed my believe (faith) for the program and then after seeing the dedication from all involved, seeing them call off their appointments for the next one week, seeing employees trying to get leave from work from the employers, even those who after taking permission for leave from work couldn’t get theirs were still hopeful they can one way or the other be a part of it.

And then came the day we were supposed to leave for the venue of the camp, to get accustomed to the environment about two (2) days before the camp proper. The warmth, the genuine preparation, the smiles, the love and most of all the understanding amongst us the (counselors, building counselors and co-ordinators) cannot be overemphasized. What joy and love I felt that faithful day, it was a renewal of my faith and assurance that it was indeed a program/camping that has its root and revelation coming directly from our Heavenly Father through his living prophet.

Knowing fully well I was going to be a part of the media team (the photographer) in camp, always brought about this fear in mind and further questions of how effective I am going to be. But in all, I was prepared for the task and know fully well what my job entails after making research of previous Youth camping’s under the name (E.F.Y) outside Nigeria.

Article by: Otumbari Mathew O.
Photographer: Otumbari Mathew O. (For M.O.O.N Photography & DAZA Images)

Saturday, January 24, 2015


After carefully, taking a look at the Political Terrain in preparation for the forthcoming general elections in Nigeria that will make or mar the Country (Nigeria). I was forced to also look elsewhere, amidst the talks, the rallies, the stories, the controversies, the fights and the insults, i was forced to look at the Judiciary to see how they are prepared to help curb the excesses of these desperate politicians and those going to be used as thugs during this election.

After taking a careful perusal at the Judiciary in the country, i discovered that we are not ready. Why? it may surprise you to know that they are on strike at the critical moment. Strike? yes, they are on strike!

Then we will be forced to look at the Law Enforcement Agencies, but they are not meant to prosecute defaulters, their job is to make sure law and order is maintained. Hmnnn. I hope this strike trend is reverse if we are ready to make sure we want to do the right thing. I set out to discuss with one of my former boss, the man i worked along with with for three (3) years as a Publicity Secretary in a Law Firm (Oforma Ikenna & Associates) a passionate Attorney and a learned and vision filled lawyer.

Hear him, "Nigeria shouldn't be witnessing a Judiciary Strike at this stage" even is what they are asking for is a tall order for a country like Nigeria, i think they deserve it. (Judicial Independence).

Truth be told, i know and have this filling that things will go well and Nigeria will be peaceful once more and so will our faith, even as Latter-day Saints wait to see the outcome of this election, we hope for a better treatment of the Nigerian Judiciary and the consideration of the rule of law.



As the General Election in Nigeria draws nearer and closer, our minds are in doubts as to the credibility and the efficiency of the candidates. But, even as we wait for that day being St. Valentines day, we are always fed with rumors of Wars and Divisions from different quarters and that alone has got me thinking and even praying, am i scared, no i can't be, a priesthood holder scared?

Speaking with Latter-day Saints, my word to them has always been, "do the right thing, and let your vote count", i can never force people to vote for a candidate neither is it my duty to campaign for one. But i can try hard to convince you of the prospect one can bring and the gains we stand to enjoy. 

Truth be told, Nigeria has been lagging behind for years, and to me it seems we are 50 years behind time. Hmnnnn! but i still have this feeling it is never too late and can never be, but even at that i feel it is time we start having leaders that will take the welfare of the citizenry into consideration and reduce the joblessness menace. 

To a large extent, the actions, the decisions and the work of any incoming President/Leader will go a long way in translating how mostly latter-day Saints in Nigeria re-adjust and and how effective they will be in keeping some of the commandments. Lets' hope, as some would always give the excuse of i do not have job, i and my family lives in abject poverty and we can't cope. 

But as we wait for that day, we should all know that the change we seek and desire in Nigeria as country lies in our hands, your tool for that change is your voter's card. Do not sell your right and do not disenfranchise yourself and remember we are of the Law and must respect it. Whoever wins must be given the respect and support to take this country to a greater height!