
Wednesday, August 17, 2016


First and foremost I think I need to apologize for not being able to blog for a long time.

I have indeed missed each and everyone of you that reads my blog. 

There are definitely things (laws) we must obey to receive the blessings attached to them. When our new Mission began (Nigeria Owerri Mission), being privilege to serve as the Mission Office Secretary, I requested we have a blog as a mission. Yes I did! But unfortunately, after much follow up by my Mission President (President Solomon Ijoma Aliche), he discovered that there are lot of process that a mission has to pass through to own a blog, I know you understand why. Many critics are out there, calling the church names and labeling the church devilish.
Nigeria Owerri Mission Home

Imagine all that, then if a mistake is made in a post by a mission, I believe the same people will assume those are the official stand (doctrine) of the Church.
Dinning inside the Mission Home

I wasn't happy initially, but I came to understand the reason why we couldn't have a blog when my President printed out a page of a letter he received from the Africa West Area Media Coordinator.

Anyways, I said then, since missionaries can have personal blog, I will blog but being in the Office does not mean my post are the official stand (doctrine) of the church. They are what i feel and have come to know or love.

Welcome back, I must say to all and sorry for the long break in transmission.

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