05. Most: Ghana
Not only was it the first sub-Saharan country that Europe traded with, but Ghana is also the first African nation to achieve independence. Yet the road after that was very rocky with coups, corruption and a period of military rule. A constitution and multi-party government established in 1992 has held firm, today making it one of the most stable countries in Africa. Not as much can be said for the country's chaotic neighbors. As such it ranks high in access to weapons and has some problems with violent crime. Nonetheless, Ghana is helping stabilise the region.
05. Least: Nigeria
To understand Nigeria's challenges, you have to appreciate its diversity. There are over 500 documented languages in Africa's most populated country - and lots of ethnic tension. While led by a democratic government since 1999, years of civil war have left Nigeria with many armed groups fighting for their own territories. Most notable are the Islamic factions in the north, such as the terrorist group Boko Haram. These have enforced harsh Islamic laws, causing many to be displaced to the south of the country. Corruption around Nigeria's oil reserves is also a big problem, as is the crippling poverty many people live in - even those in oil-rich areas.
To understand Nigeria's challenges, you have to appreciate its diversity. There are over 500 documented languages in Africa's most populated country - and lots of ethnic tension. While led by a democratic government since 1999, years of civil war have left Nigeria with many armed groups fighting for their own territories. Most notable are the Islamic factions in the north, such as the terrorist group Boko Haram. These have enforced harsh Islamic laws, causing many to be displaced to the south of the country. Corruption around Nigeria's oil reserves is also a big problem, as is the crippling poverty many people live in - even those in oil-rich areas.
04. Most: Namibia
Since gaining independence from South Africa, this home to the world's oldest desert has been stable. There were some skirmishes with rebels in the east of the country during the early Nineties. But Namibia remains a highly functional democratic society, though it has been dominated by the SWAPO party since independence. Strong-arm tactics by security forces, long detentions and ongoing land restitution cause a bit of tension, while some minority groups have felt victimised by the government. Still, Namibia is not doing too badly at all.
Since gaining independence from South Africa, this home to the world's oldest desert has been stable. There were some skirmishes with rebels in the east of the country during the early Nineties. But Namibia remains a highly functional democratic society, though it has been dominated by the SWAPO party since independence. Strong-arm tactics by security forces, long detentions and ongoing land restitution cause a bit of tension, while some minority groups have felt victimised by the government. Still, Namibia is not doing too badly at all.
04. Least: Central African Republic
Criminality, homicides and access to weapons are just three of this small country's major problems, followed by a bevy of other issues that keep the Central African Republic from moving forward. Since independence in 1960, the CAR has experienced numerous coups, military riots and armed rebellions. This has left the country awash with illegal weapons and corruption. In 2009 a peace deal was struck and a unity government was formed, but now the country has to deal with an insurgency of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA). Being chronically underdeveloped, regional help has been keeping the CAR from falling apart. But the region is also part of its problem - two of the worst 5 African countries are its neighbors.
03. Most: Mozambique
Despite only emerging from a bruising civil war in 1992, Mozambique has made great strides into becoming a peaceful society. Widespread poverty and the easy access to wartime weapons have caused some problems with crime and violent demonstrations around political disputes. But Mozambique's government has been consistently stable. Floods and droughts in recent years have put pressure on what is a poor country, yet its people have shown a resilience towards making this east coast tropical paradise a true jewel in the African crown.

03. Least: Democratic Republic of the Congo
The DRC has seen more than its share of conflict, resulting in over 3 million civilian deaths since the Sixties. Some of this is due to the numerous coups, the most notorious being the rise of the dictator Mobutu Sese Seko. Meddling by neighbours like Zimbabwe and Angola have not helped and their conflicts, such as with Hutu rebels in Rwanda, have spilled over its borders. A transitional government was formed in 2003 and relations with neighbors have helped squash some of the rebel groups. But rogue militias and sporadic fighting remain a problem for the DRC

02. Most: Botswana
Conflict in neighbouring countries and the resulting refugees have soured Botswana's broth a little, but it still stands strong as one of the continent's most stable democracies. It is, in fact, Africa's oldest multi-party democracy. A healthy control of its natural resources and low corruption has kept the country's books healthy. Some problems with crime and homicides have been highlighted, as well as ongoing issues surrounding the displacement of the indigenous Kalahari bushmen population. But Botswana is the most peaceful country on mainland Africa.

source: howzit msn
Criminality, homicides and access to weapons are just three of this small country's major problems, followed by a bevy of other issues that keep the Central African Republic from moving forward. Since independence in 1960, the CAR has experienced numerous coups, military riots and armed rebellions. This has left the country awash with illegal weapons and corruption. In 2009 a peace deal was struck and a unity government was formed, but now the country has to deal with an insurgency of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA). Being chronically underdeveloped, regional help has been keeping the CAR from falling apart. But the region is also part of its problem - two of the worst 5 African countries are its neighbors.
03. Most: Mozambique
Despite only emerging from a bruising civil war in 1992, Mozambique has made great strides into becoming a peaceful society. Widespread poverty and the easy access to wartime weapons have caused some problems with crime and violent demonstrations around political disputes. But Mozambique's government has been consistently stable. Floods and droughts in recent years have put pressure on what is a poor country, yet its people have shown a resilience towards making this east coast tropical paradise a true jewel in the African crown.
03. Least: Democratic Republic of the Congo
The DRC has seen more than its share of conflict, resulting in over 3 million civilian deaths since the Sixties. Some of this is due to the numerous coups, the most notorious being the rise of the dictator Mobutu Sese Seko. Meddling by neighbours like Zimbabwe and Angola have not helped and their conflicts, such as with Hutu rebels in Rwanda, have spilled over its borders. A transitional government was formed in 2003 and relations with neighbors have helped squash some of the rebel groups. But rogue militias and sporadic fighting remain a problem for the DRC
02. Most: Botswana
Conflict in neighbouring countries and the resulting refugees have soured Botswana's broth a little, but it still stands strong as one of the continent's most stable democracies. It is, in fact, Africa's oldest multi-party democracy. A healthy control of its natural resources and low corruption has kept the country's books healthy. Some problems with crime and homicides have been highlighted, as well as ongoing issues surrounding the displacement of the indigenous Kalahari bushmen population. But Botswana is the most peaceful country on mainland Africa.
02. Least: Sudan
It says something when your president is wanted for crimes against humanity. It says even more when a regional conflict was solved by the south breaking away and forming an independent country. Sudan is not a happy place right now, ranking high in criminality, access to weapons, political terror and more. Its friction with what is now South Sudan has led to two civil wars and tensions are still high between the nations. In the north Sudan also has problems with indigenous groups unhappy with the minority Arab government's actions.
01. Most: Mauritius
A few hundred kilometers east of Madagascar, Mauritius is an island paradise that has done well to grow its tourism, textile and banking industries. One of the oldest and most stable democracies in the developing world, this island nation is home to a diverse population. Despite recent headlines of the dramatic murder of an Irish tourist, Mauritius enjoys a low crime rate and good policing. Some poorer minorities do complain of victimisation and political unrest can also happen during elections, but rarely spills over into violence.

01. Least: Somalia
To use the old chestnut, if you looked up 'failed state', Somalia would be the author of that section. For the second year in a row it is the least-peaceful nation in the world. There is no real government, though the most recent attempt at one (the 14th since 1991) is holding on with the help of international and neighbouring forces. But even those relationships are tenuous - Somalia has a strained past with its neighbors, including a war with Ethiopia in 1977, while more recently the al-Shabab terrorist group has been crossing the border with Kenya. Nobody holds control over any large part of the country, which is divided among the government, al-Shabab and countless warlords, with pirates roaming its coasts.
It says something when your president is wanted for crimes against humanity. It says even more when a regional conflict was solved by the south breaking away and forming an independent country. Sudan is not a happy place right now, ranking high in criminality, access to weapons, political terror and more. Its friction with what is now South Sudan has led to two civil wars and tensions are still high between the nations. In the north Sudan also has problems with indigenous groups unhappy with the minority Arab government's actions.
01. Most: Mauritius
A few hundred kilometers east of Madagascar, Mauritius is an island paradise that has done well to grow its tourism, textile and banking industries. One of the oldest and most stable democracies in the developing world, this island nation is home to a diverse population. Despite recent headlines of the dramatic murder of an Irish tourist, Mauritius enjoys a low crime rate and good policing. Some poorer minorities do complain of victimisation and political unrest can also happen during elections, but rarely spills over into violence.
01. Least: Somalia
To use the old chestnut, if you looked up 'failed state', Somalia would be the author of that section. For the second year in a row it is the least-peaceful nation in the world. There is no real government, though the most recent attempt at one (the 14th since 1991) is holding on with the help of international and neighbouring forces. But even those relationships are tenuous - Somalia has a strained past with its neighbors, including a war with Ethiopia in 1977, while more recently the al-Shabab terrorist group has been crossing the border with Kenya. Nobody holds control over any large part of the country, which is divided among the government, al-Shabab and countless warlords, with pirates roaming its coasts.
source: howzit msn
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ReplyDeleteJOIN THE ILLUMINATI TODAY Contact :jubrinerichie@gmail.com JOIN THE ILLUMINATI FROM SOUTH AFRICA, USA, OR ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD TODAY BE RICH, FAME, AND POSSES POWER. Email us on:: jubrinerichie@gmail.com, or call, +2348144147368, for immediate initiation New members registration is now open online now !!!!! BENEFITS GIVEN TO NEW MEMBERS WHO JOIN ILLUMINATI. A Cash Reward of USD $300,000 USD A New Sleek Dream CAR valued at USD $120,000 USD A Dream House bought in the country of your own choice One Month holiday (fully paid) to your dream tourist destination. One year Golf Membership package A V.I.P treatment in all Airports in the World A total Lifestyle change Access to Bohemian Grove Monthly payment of $1,000,000 USD into your bank account every month as a member One Month booked Appointment with Top 5 world Leaders and Top 5 Celebrities in the World. If you are interested send your e-mail,(jubrinerichie@gmail.com) for immediately initiation.New members registration is now open online..